worth watching from various collaboration partnering perspectives - guess nearest to digiyouth digital job creation's future is this sort of case
India: Training our children to be teachers http://worldahead.maplecroft.com/cstext?iconid=422_wa_edu_4
Intel's program to train teachers helps children learn how to use computers—and they in turn educate their parents and neighbours. Intel has helped train more than 40,000 teachers in the state of Maharashtra, India. Villagers volunteer to pay for mobile computer lab training, as well as operating and maintenance expenses for "computer vans" that deliver ICT education to rural areas. There are currently five vans serving 6,000 students in 49 schools.
Watch videos on the project here and here.
Case study © Intel Corporation
Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
best starting page to intel world ahead (connecting the next billion) seems to be:
interesting map of cases
references to grameen intel include: 1 2